3. Installing Binance Smart Chain

The wallet is set up for the Ethereum Mainnet and now needs to be configured for the Binance Smart Chain so that you can see Scallop Tokens that will be stored there.

  • On the top right corner there’s a dropdown window that has “Ethereum Mainnet”

  • Click the arrow next to this reveals a “Networks” dropdown.

  • Click on the “Add Network” button.

  • Add the following information in the windows shown:

    Network Name: Binance Smart Chain New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org Chain ID: 56 Currency Symbol: BNB Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com

Once the above information is added, hit “Save”

Now you will need to import SCLP token as a custom token

  • At the bottom of the screen just above “Need Help” there’s a line that says “Import Tokens”. Hit this and you will be in the import tokens window.

  • Copy the following address into the “Token Contract Address” window:

Token Contract Address: 0xF2c96E402c9199682d5dED26D3771c6B192c01af

Last updated