LP Staking Guide

Exceptional returns when you join our liquidity pool, here's how to do it..

This article will explain how to add liquidity for SCLP-BNB on PancakeSwap and stake the Liquidity Pool (LP) tokens on app.scallopchain.com

What you will need to get started

  • A Metamask account

  • Pancakeswap account

  • BNB and SCLP tokens

Step by step guide

How to add liquidity on Pancakeswap

  1. Go to pancakeswap.finance and connect your MetaMask wallet to the website using the “Connect Wallet” button on the top-right corner of the page.

2. Once connected, hover over the “Trade” tab and select “Liquidity”.

3. On the Liquidity page, click “add liquidity” and input BNB + SCLP to provide liquidity to the BNB-SCLP pair.

Select BNB from the drop-down list and add SCLP using the official contract address (https://bscscan.com/token/0xF2c96E402c9199682d5dED26D3771c6B192c01af)

4. Input the amount of SCLP + BNB that you want to provide and click supply. Then click “Confirm Supply” in the pop-up window that will appear.

A MetaMask pop-up window will now appear. Follow the instructions within to complete your transaction.

Once you have completed the liquidity providing process, you will be able to view your LP tokens below the “Add Liquidity” interface, on the Liquidity page on PancakeSwap.

You can also view your LP tokens in MetaMask by adding the SCLP-BNB LP Token contract address to your wallet: https://bscscan.com/address/0xbf8bcbac68ffbf09abb4befedcd39e991ef1793d

Last updated