What is a DAO?

A Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO) is an entity that operates without a central authority and is run by members who have a vested interest in achieving the organisation's goals. DAOs have gained popularity due to their association with cryptocurrency enthusiasts and their leveraging of blockchain technology. In a bottom-up management approach, DAOs allow members to make decisions collectively and independently, providing an innovative structure for democratic decision-making within organisations.

What Is the Purpose of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs)?

A DAO aims to revolutionise the traditional hierarchical management structure prevalent in most companies. Rather than relying on a select few individuals who hold decision-making power, a DAO provides equitable opportunities for every member to voice their opinions, vote, and propose initiatives. This enables a more inclusive approach to decision-making and encourages active participation from all members. By implementing digital smart contracts and blockchain, a DAO operates autonomously and eliminates the need for a centralised authority. This promotes transparency and accountability, ensuring that decisions are made in the best interest of the organisation as a whole.

Benefits of DAOs

There are several reasons why an entity or collective group of individuals may want to pursue a DAO structure. Some of the benefits of this form of management include:

  • Decentralisation: DAOs distribute decision-making authority among a diverse group of individuals rather than relying on a single central authority like a CEO or a small board.

  • Participation: DAOs empower individuals by giving them a direct voice through voting and token-based actions, fostering a sense of connection to the organisation.

  • Publicity: Voting and decisions within a DAO are transparently recorded on a blockchain, promoting accountability and encouraging actions that benefit the community.

  • Community: DAOs enable people from anywhere worldwide to collaborate seamlessly online, uniting them to pursue a shared vision.

Examples of DAOs


Uniswap, the top decentralised crypto exchange globally, is the largest Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO). Launched in September 2020, it's a legitimate DAO offering a wide array of tradable crypto tokens, in contrast to centralised exchanges. Active users can apply for governance rights, and Uniswap's influence over DeFi markets has led to exponential growth in volume and membership.

DAO Maker:

DAO Maker aspires to be the leading growth solutions provider for emerging crypto startups. It has been instrumental in the success of projects like Infinity Pad (IPAD), Seascape Network (CWS), My Neighbor Alice (ALICE), and Orion Protocol (ORN) over the past year.


Dash exemplifies how a DAO project can drive DeFi success, focusing on faster transactions than cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Its investments in various regions and the demand for anonymous payments propel Dash up the DAO hierarchy.


While the DAO model has advantages, there are some significant challenges to consider. One of the most prominent issues is the potential delay in decision-making due to the increased number of participants involved in the voting process. With the DAO's decentralised structure, it can also take more time and effort to gather all the necessary users and cast votes, which can further lengthen the duration of any decision-making process. Therefore, the DAO model presents benefits and challenges, and it requires careful consideration of these factors to realise its full potential.

Last updated